Importance of Boundaries

Greetings, Since the May/June newsletter, we have received a lot of comments about the article called “What a Gift-Responsibility.” The article highlights the gift of our children or loved ones and the responsibility we have to raise them. But as addiction comes in, there is the danger of “enabling” a person in their addiction, sometimes… Read More »Importance of Boundaries

The Impulsive Aberration

Impulsiveness is a very powerful force that confounds all of us, especially when it is tied to addiction. Time and again the counsel given to an excessively impulsive person fails. You can lay out the irrationality of their decision to take flight and they do not have ears to hear. Sometimes the person will agree… Read More »The Impulsive Aberration

Are We Walking in Faith?

Paul exhorts the Corinthian Christians to, “Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Do you not know yourselves that Jesus Christ is in you?“ II Corinthians 13:5 If Jesus Christ is in us, we have access to His grace in which we stand. (Romans 5:2) Are you in a troubling,… Read More »Are We Walking in Faith?

The Devastation of Failure

One of the most powerful emotions that can shatter one’s soul is failure. Failure arrives on the scene of our lives through many avenues; whether it be moral, financial, vocational or personal. The weight of any failure becomes personal to the one experiencing it. We see this monster raising its’ ugly head all around us.… Read More »The Devastation of Failure

A Touch for A Leper

Multitudes of souls are suffering emotionally, physically, and mentally. In one sense, they are victims of a bad environment; be it family, friends, or extreme poverty. In another sense, they are the victims of their foolish, reckless, and unimaginable choices that poison the soul with depravity. In any case, the pain and suffering experienced is… Read More »A Touch for A Leper

The Doors of Bondage

Listening to a biography of an American rock band formed in 1965 with vocalist, Jim Morrison, I was intrigued by how they settled on the name for their group, “The Doors”. At the outbreak of the cultural revolution in the ‘60’s, drugs were flooding our country. There was a wind in the air to transcend… Read More »The Doors of Bondage

How Can It Be?

I’ve been contemplating the miraculous work of redemption in a believer in Christ Jesus. This is no small thing. For you see, we have all been brought forth in corruption. We were conceived in the womb in sin and we came into the world, by nature, ready to sin. As King David writes in Psalm… Read More »How Can It Be?

To Whom Shall We Go?

Those of us who have studied the Scriptures know that both the Old and New Testaments point to Christ as the remedy for our troubled, sinful souls. “All we like sheep have gone astray, we have turned everyone to his own way; and the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.” Isaiah… Read More »To Whom Shall We Go?

Genuine Faith

I am awed at the power of God to instill in us an affection for God and a hunger and thirst after righteousness. (Mt. 5:6) I remember how God put into me, at the point of my salvation at 29 years old, an understanding that my old fleshly desires and love of this world was… Read More »Genuine Faith