Home » Darkness


The Scars of Sin

As I think about the souls that have been scarred by sin I am reminded of a battlefield littered with the dead and wounded. However, in this case, it is family members and loved ones that have been scarred by the sins of others. Before coming to Christ, I remember seeing a young man in… Read More »The Scars of Sin

The Darkness of Addiction

The darkness of the soul of one in the bondage of addiction is apparent. It engulfs their countenance. The darkness that they have succumbed to is a spiritual darkness that the world does not comprehend. Matthew 4:16 speaks of those who “sit in darkness”. This position of sitting denotes one who has become used to (is… Read More »The Darkness of Addiction

The Love of Evil

As our culture drifts towards evil, the distinction concerning good and evil slowly fades. Unless the saint is grounded, rooted and disciplined in the faith, he will more than likely end up like the children of Israel during the time of Judges. “Then the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord… Read More »The Love of Evil

Sounds of Darkness

Sitting on our front porch swing recently, I was intrigued with the sounds of darkness. The tree line in front of our home was beginning to darken around the tree trunks. It signaled the beginning of a great chorus of night sounds. All the crickets and critters of the night were singing; announcing the coming… Read More »Sounds of Darkness

The Cry for Gentleness

In my years of counseling at Bethel, I have seen much unforgiveness, resentment, rage, blame, slander and other self-centered attitudes. Self-centeredness naturally exhibits a lack of gentleness towards others. A person must first identify and repent of his own sin before he can exhibit a spirit of gentleness on those loved ones he has wounded… Read More »The Cry for Gentleness