To Everything There Is A Season

We all experience seasons. Any particular time of the year can bring up memories and emotions. How wonderful are some of these memories. The events permeate in our minds and can bring about nostalgia.  On the other hand, they can bring up negative feelings, depression and regret. In Ecclesiastes 3, we read, “To everything there… Read More »To Everything There Is A Season

The Slippery Slope

As the world drifts into relativism, it can have a debilitating effect upon the Church unless there is a solid foundation of Judea Christian values.  Any variation from this foundation can cause confusion and bondage. Some may start out well, but end up on the slippery slope of sin. Not being on good ground, they… Read More »The Slippery Slope

Fleshly Lusts

The drifting of society from a moral code to relativism has plunged society into a land of no restraint. The atmosphere reeks with darkness all around. The author, Flannery O’Connor, wrote to an anonymous friend, “You breathe in nihilism. In or out of the church, it is the gas you breathe.” Nihilism is the rejection… Read More »Fleshly Lusts

In Everything Give Thanks

The center of Christian living is Thanksgiving! “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds.”God has emphasized His desire in this text that in everything we are… Read More »In Everything Give Thanks

The Power of Grace

The admonition to Timothy by the Apostle Paul in II Timothy 2:1 is “Be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.” Grace is God’s enablement to do what would be futile without the infusion of grace into the soul. The grace of God is imparted to all those who are in Christ Jesus.… Read More »The Power of Grace

The Undefiled

One of the most delightful things to lay eyes on is a person who walks with God. This person has the Spirit of the living God that reflects the attributes of virtue, righteousness, wholesomeness, and God’s workmanship. He has guarded himself from defilement. The basis for this temperament is a deep-seated loyalty to and delight… Read More »The Undefiled

The Multitude of Anxieties

The multitude of anxieties is commonplace among many. Just think of our own lives, how we may have experienced the spirit of anxiety, just one of endless afflictions. The width, depth, and height of these afflictions can, at times, confound even the best of counselors and pastors. Add to this the instability, passivity, and brokenness… Read More »The Multitude of Anxieties