One of the unclean spirits that we deal with is the spirit of bondage as men and women who come under the power of addiction have given place to this spirit. They have violated the clear imperative of the Scriptures; “…nor give place to the devil”, in Ephesians 4:27. Sadly, many are trying to help these people with the wisdom of the world. “For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds.” II Corinthians 10:3&4. The weapons we are talking about are part of the full armor of God which includes the offensive weapons of the sword of the spirit and aggressive warfare prayer. (Eph.4:17-18) We must take out the strongholds of bondage by attacking the unclean spirit that has built a fortress as a result of habitual sinful behavior. At some point, a person loses the capacity to will what he would like to will; to stop whatever indulgence that has given the devil permission to take advantage or ground given…”in order that no advantage be taken of us by Satan.” II Corinthians 2:11
A contemporary song-writer, Kenny Chesney, has a clear picture of the torment of a soul. Let’s look at his lyrics from the song, “Demons”, to give you an idea what I am saying:
Sometimes they’re in a bottle,
Sometimes a pair of high-heeled shoes,
Some come rolled up in paper
Some have six strings and only play the blues.
Once you meet the devil,
There ain’t no way he’ll let you be
When I’m not chasing demons;
There’s demons chasing me.
Do you see what the demons have used to put people in bondage? A bottle (alcohol), high-heeled shoes (lust), rolled up in paper (drugs), six strings and playing the blues (depression). Does this sound familiar? That’s just the first stanza. The third stanza really expresses the strength of the craving for the things that one has “given place” to the devil.
There’s things that I can’t leave alone
Cause they won’t leave me alone.
What I want ain’t what I need;
Still I reach for the things that I crave
Then try to run away.
Am I afraid of being free?
Cause when I’m not chasing demons;
There’s demons chasing me.
Let me interpret for you the demonic stronghold mentioned here: “Still I reach for the things that I crave”…represents the things that the demon has one in bondage to; like the things written in the first stanza…“When I’m not chasing demons”.
Then there’s the other phenomenon; “There’s demons chasing me”. This is the terrible state of the actual torment of the one who is in bondage to the devil’s will through alcohol, drugs, etc. Matthew 5:16 talks about “those who were tormented by unclean spirits.”
The devil torments those who have given place to him and those tormenting spirits need to be driven out. There are exceptions where people are set free from the spirit of bondage by repentance and the grace of God. Our experience is that 85 – 90% of the men who come to Bethel have to go through intentional deliverance in order to be set free. Those who have given occupation to the devil in their souls and body can and do receive deliverance from evil spirits.
You may be asking; I see myself there, what can I do? Repent of the particular bondage that has taken you captive; drugs, alcohol, lust, self-condemnation, guilt, depression, etc. Make a list of other sins against God and repent of each one. This will help bring about your deliverance.
God is able to deliver you and wants to set you free. Prayerfully put on the armor of God by reading Ephesians 6:13-18. Make it personal: “I take up the whole armor of God. I put on the helmet of salvation, the breastplate of righteousness, etc…” Take your authority by quoting Luke 10:19. Command the spirit of bondage to come out quietly and discreetly in the name of Jesus. Jesus will set you free. (John 8:36) Then get back in love with the Lord and His Word. Put on the armor of God daily for your protection. We’re always here to help you.