The Spirit of Bondage

 One of the unclean spirits that we deal with is the spirit of bondage as men and women who come under the power of addiction have given place to this spirit. They have violated the clear imperative of the Scriptures; “…nor give place to the devil”, in Ephesians 4:27. Sadly, many are trying to help… Read More »The Spirit of Bondage

The Peril of Complacency

In dealing with people who have issues, I am reminded of the Scripture; “These people draw near to Me with their mouth and honor Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me. And, in vain they worship Me….” Matthew 15:8-9. There is a pretension that all is well with the Lord while… Read More »The Peril of Complacency

Fear – A Volatile Emotion

I would like to address the spirit of fear that we are all susceptible to experiencing. This emotion can overrun us before we know what hit us. It is like a flood that gains strength coming down a mountain stream. You are sitting by the bank not suspecting or seeing the coming deluge. Then you… Read More »Fear – A Volatile Emotion

Spiritual Warfare

Answering the call to the ministry, I left a career in the U.S. Army in 1980, and entered Columbia Graduate School of Bible and Missions in S.C. During the summer of 1982, I completed an internship at Bethel Colony. On January 1st, 1984, I was hired as Associate Director of Bethel Colony and have held… Read More »Spiritual Warfare

The Whole Armor of God

Greetings to our friends of Bethel Colony of Mercy. We count it a privilege to serve the Lord Jesus Christ in order that we might be of some help to those who are looking for answers to life’s problems. I started out writing on another subject for this Counseling Corner and ran into a wall.… Read More »The Whole Armor of God

The Way of the Cross

Whatever happened to the cross in counseling? Are life’s issues so difficult that something other than the Scriptures are needed to address them? “The words that I speak to you are spirit and life.” John 6:63 If a troubled person is not saved, it is one of the greatest opportunities to introduce him to the… Read More »The Way of the Cross

What Is My Purpose

One of the most discussed subjects in the world is “What is my purpose?” As a believer you will learn that is entirely the wrong question. That question causes us to focus on us. We were not created to fulfill our purpose but to fulfill God’s purpose. So it’s not; “What is my purpose,” but;… Read More »What Is My Purpose


Another rampant violation of God’s law among believers is the sin of unforgiveness. An unforgiving spirit can occur as a result of abandonment, rejection, hurt, pride, anger, unresolved conflict, jealousy, envy, covetousness, sensitivity, abuse (physical, verbal or sexual) just to name a few. The sense of being wronged, warranted or not, seems to be the… Read More »Unforgiveness

The Cry for Gentleness

In my years of counseling at Bethel, I have seen much unforgiveness, resentment, rage, blame, slander and other self-centered attitudes. Self-centeredness naturally exhibits a lack of gentleness towards others. A person must first identify and repent of his own sin before he can exhibit a spirit of gentleness on those loved ones he has wounded… Read More »The Cry for Gentleness