Grasping for the Wind

People everywhere are troubled by searching for meaning and significance in the things that are temporal and earthly. I see the frantic look in the eyes of those who are grasping tightly to the places, persons, or things that they are on the verge of losing. The harder they squeeze the sand of this world… Read More »Grasping for the Wind

Hope on Sinking Sand

You may be wondering why I picked the title “Hope on Sinking Sand”. As I sit across from counselees, I notice the depth of emotional pain and suffering on their countenance. Most of the men who come to Bethel Colony are desperately clinging to whatever they have left. They are in the quicksand of their… Read More »Hope on Sinking Sand

The Scars of Sin

As I think about the souls that have been scarred by sin I am reminded of a battlefield littered with the dead and wounded. However, in this case, it is family members and loved ones that have been scarred by the sins of others. Before coming to Christ, I remember seeing a young man in… Read More »The Scars of Sin

The Darkness of Addiction

The darkness of the soul of one in the bondage of addiction is apparent. It engulfs their countenance. The darkness that they have succumbed to is a spiritual darkness that the world does not comprehend. Matthew 4:16 speaks of those who “sit in darkness”. This position of sitting denotes one who has become used to (is… Read More »The Darkness of Addiction

The Quenching of Grace

In reflecting on the failure of many believers floundering recklessly in their faith, I am not surprised at their plight because they have shipwrecked while sailing through reefs, rocks, and routes that the Lord has warned them of in Scripture. Grace has been quenched in their lives because they have left the fountain from where it… Read More »The Quenching of Grace

The Self-Centeredness of An Addict

In thinking of the pain and suffering inflicted on the families of addicts, it is not surprising that they (the families) exhibit reluctance, reservation and suspicion of the addicted family member. The addict has planted unbelievable, unimaginable aberrant behavior in the home. This IED (improvised explosive disorder) is manifested by wounding all of those around… Read More »The Self-Centeredness of An Addict

The Pressures of Life

I have observed in counseling that many are not good at handling the pressures of life. As the apostle Paul writes to the church of Corinth; “We are hard pressed on every side…” II Cor. 4:8. The pressures of life have erupted in various ways. Pressures from personal relationships are a concern to all of… Read More »The Pressures of Life

The Canker of Resentment

There are many people suffering from a canker in their soul called resentment. Resentment can be caused by many differing circumstances such as neglect, offense, abandonment, abuse (verbal, physical and/or sexual), envy, jealousy, covetousness, rejection, etc. When the name of the offender comes up the person with the canker in their soul is more likely… Read More »The Canker of Resentment

The Love of Evil

As our culture drifts towards evil, the distinction concerning good and evil slowly fades. Unless the saint is grounded, rooted and disciplined in the faith, he will more than likely end up like the children of Israel during the time of Judges. “Then the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord… Read More »The Love of Evil

The Laodicean Malady

I am confounded by many who are professed Christians in a lukewarm condition. It is a condition, on one hand, that demonstrates the absence of any spiritual fervor for the Lord and, on the other hand, a bruising indictment on the Laodicean church. God’s word to them is “because you are lukewarm and neither cold nor… Read More »The Laodicean Malady