Addicts in Captivity

Generally, those in addiction have chosen to believe the lie rather than the truth. In succumbing to the Tempter to do evil the will is weakened. It is weakened by giving place to sin. The believers in Ephesians are doing the will of God by coming to Christ. “In Him, you also trusted, after you… Read More »Addicts in Captivity

War Against The Gospel

Contemporary culture wars deny the truth of the message of the cross. “For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.” (I Corinthians 1:1) They are ashamed of and shun the power of the gospel. But not so… Read More »War Against The Gospel

Do You Not Know?

A shepherd loves his sheep. He knows also that he must tend his sheep. It is the responsibility of the shepherd to train, provide for, and protect his sheep. He loves the fellowship of his sheep. Sheep come to know/recognize their shepherd’s voice. Sheep know their shepherd. They follow their shepherd. “My sheep hear My… Read More »Do You Not Know?


In our walk with Christ, the slightest sin may grieve the soul. A good branch bears the fruit of righteousness and shows evidence that it is attached to the Vine. Jesus, the Vine, speaks of this fruit-bearing. “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears… Read More »Backsliding

Mercy of God

We hear of the mercy of God, but many refuse to embrace it. Shakespeare had a knowledge of scripture. He made a revealing truth about mercy. “Nothing emboldens sin so much as mercy.” Sin is so hardened in the soul it resists the mercy of God. Only the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ… Read More »Mercy of God

Emotional Pain

Emotional pain is the norm. “Families are, with a few exceptions, dysfunctional….Families are rarely religious, and if they are, they are certainly dysfunctional.” David Mills, “Living in the Land of Cain” in Touchstone: A Journal of Mere Christianity. (2006).  Seventeen years later, multitudes of families are in the same condition, if not worse. David Mills… Read More »Emotional Pain

Knot of Vipers

The ministry of deliverance to those who have lived in flagrant sin, whether unbeliever or believer, is not a small task. Everyone living in the spirit of the world is in the breeding ground of vipers. Those who have received Christ may have to be set free from the knot of vipers. As a general… Read More »Knot of Vipers

The Harmful Impact of Idle Words

“An idle brain is the devil’s workshop.” (English proverb) One of the characteristics of an idle mind is idle words. One definition of idle I found is; “Idle in all uses rests upon its root meaning, as derived from the Anglo-Saxon “idel” which signifies vain, empty, useless. Idle thus denotes not primarily the absence of… Read More »The Harmful Impact of Idle Words

The Fragrance of Humility

“Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time.” (I Peter 5:6) There are many virtues of the Christian character. Humility is a virtuous fragrance that draws men to it. Whether they know it or not, this fragrance is emanating from those who have come to Christ.… Read More »The Fragrance of Humility

Christian Meditation

One of the challenges of the Christian is the practice of meditation. The purpose of meditation is for coming to know God through thoughtful, attentive, and regular reading of Scripture. Meditation is a spiritual duty which cannot be neglected without injury to a person’s spiritual improvement. Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote, “Meditation … lets us be alone… Read More »Christian Meditation