Women’s Ministry
Update: May/June 2019

May 11, 2019

Praise the Lord with us and please keep praying!
If God is leading you to support Bethel Women’s Campus,
please make sure you mark your donation for the women’s ministry.
Bethel Colony has only incurred debt twice in its’ history. The first debt incurred was to purchase the property for the Men’s Campus 70 years ago. The second debt incurred was to purchase the property for the Women’s Campus.
To prevent any penalties, we are only allowed to make double payments each month for the first 3 years. That amount is $5334.24 / month. Thanks to some generous donors, we have been able to make those double payments for the past year already. We are trusting the Lord to be able to continue to make double payments or pay the debt off completely.
If you would like to help alleviate this debt, please mark your donation
Women’s Campus payment for land.
Update: April/May 2019

We would like to “officially” announce the opening date for Bethel Women’s Campus.
We are so excited to share this good news with you!!!
Grand Opening and Open House for Bethel Women’s Campus
1181 Camp Carolwood Road
Lenoir, NC 28645
Saturday, May 11, 2019
11 am – 2 pm
We invite you to join us for our
ribbon cutting ceremony
and to tour our new
Women’s Campus.
Update: October/November 2018
Update on Bethel Women’s Ministry
The Women’s Campus has experienced much renovations to date. A mission group from Eastern NC Baptist Association came up to stay for 1 week at the facility. They got walls put up, floors put in, and much clean-up completed. When they left we only had mirrors to put in place in one cabin. Thank God for that group and their hard work. We have the beds set up and the dressers in place. We are almost ready for the ladies in that one.
Another cabin is almost done as well. We had to slow down a little on that one. The director’s home was vacated and we are working to get that done so the director can move in soon. The rain also has taken a toll on the roads so we are taking measures for a long range fix. We hope to have that done before the winter begins.
There have been many more church groups who came out to help us do work. The grounds are so much clearer now. Trees have been removed which was necessary for our internet and phone system. Praise God the phones are working there now. Cell connection is available. This was a big hurdle and we are grateful to our IT Manager, Josh McGee for all his hard work on that. Not only to get the clearing done but also to get the best price.
Allen Shiflett takes a crew out almost daily to work on the campus. This crew consists of volunteer students who work diligently to help in this effort. They go to classes each day and then come out to work. What a blessing to have these men. Allen does a wonderful job and we are thankful to have him. He has worked on weekends and at times when it was not convenient for him. These men have worked on all the buildings. They sand, paint, plumb, clean, cut trees, scrape roads, etc. Whatever it takes. They work alone or with other volunteers. We know with their help, this will happen.
We are thankful to all the volunteers who have come. They are such a blessing to us. Not only what they do but getting to know them is a great experience for us. Anyone who wants to come help can contact Donna McCall, Director at 828-754-3781 or email [email protected].
Update: August/September 2018
Update on Bethel Women’s Ministry
Praise the Lord with us and please keep praying!
Since our last newsletter, we have completed renovations on one of the 5 cabins at the Women’s Campus. This cabin is the new home of Heath and Barbara Benfield. You were just introduced to Heath who is now assisting with the pastoral counseling at the Men’s Campus. You also just met his wife, Barbara, through her testimony. Barbara is our new Administrative Assistant / Counselor at the Women’s Campus.
15 – 20 outside groups have come on-site to help renovate and clean up the other cabins, buildings and property. They have worked great along-side our Bethel students and staff. These folks have been painters, plumbers, electricians and lawn care specialists. There is still much to do and we are looking for volunteers who want to get their hands and feet dirty as they clean up the Women’s Campus.
Many of the essentials have been donated. There are still several items needed. The list is updated on a regular basis if you would like to email or call to find out what you can donate.
What a blessing it has been to see God’s people acting like the church in the Book of Acts! Different denominations, all walks of life, the young and the old have come out to do what they can to make this Women’s Campus a reality.
If you would like to be part of what God is doing at Bethel Women’s Campus, please contact Mrs. Donna McCall, Women’s Campus Director, at 828-754-3781. She will be happy to sign you up!
If God is leading you to support Bethel Women’s Campus with a financial
donation, please make sure you mark your donation for the women’s campus.
Update: May, 2018
Update on Bethel’s Women’s Ministry
Praise the Lord with us and please keep praying!
Great is God’s faithfulness! We closed on the property located at 1230 Camp Carolwood Rd, Lenoir, NC on April 16th!!. We are projecting to open sometime this summer. God’s faithfulness has been evident as we proceed with this extension of our ministry.
We are now looking for help with renovations to the buildings currently on the property. This will require help from many men and women. Though you do not have to be, those skilled in remodel or construction would be welcome. We will be painting, sanding, etc. There is plenty of cleaning needed both inside and out. We will appreciate anyone who is willing to work!
We are also getting together the essentials for the ministry. The list includes golf carts, outdoor lawn maintenance equipment such as mowers and weed eaters, etc. Office supplies, kitchen utensils, small appliances, silverware, blankets, pillows, etc. are all needed. We have a list available and would love to share it if you would like to help us meet these needs.
Many have donated already and the supplies are growing daily! How exciting! A neighboring church has “adopted” one of the cabins on the property and is providing all the materials and labor to get that cabin ready for women to occupy! What a blessing! We would love for you to be a part of what God is doing also!
If you would like to help by volunteering time and labor or food for workers, please contact Mrs. Donna McCall, Women’s Campus Director at 828-754-3781. She will be happy to sign you up!
If God is leading you to support Bethel Women’s Campus with a financial donation,
please make sure you mark your donation for the women’s ministry.
We have been so blessed by the overwhelming response to the opening of Bethel Colony of Mercy Women’s Campus! So many of you have given financially and lots of you have offered your time and abilities to come to the new property and help with clean-up and repairs. We thank God for all who have given financially, donated material goods, volunteered time and helping hands, and those who are and have been praying for the women’s campus to become a reality. God is faithful and His people are fulfilling the directive in Titus 3:8; “Those who have believed in God should be careful to maintain good works.” Bethel Colony of Mercy is delighted to be the recipient of those “good works”!
Here’s a chance for those of you who may not be able to donate financially or volunteer to help prepare the property for occupancy to have a part in getting it ready for the women who will be coming soon.
All of the buildings on Bethel Men’s Campus bear names based on biblical principals. The men’s dormitories are FAITH, HOPE, LOVE and GRACE. Our newest dormitory is The Rock. Our staff dwellings are Pinehaven, Joyhaven, Peacehaven, Bethhaven and MorningStar apartments. The new property for the Woman’s Campus has the Director’s home, 5 cabins (for the women to stay in), a gymnasium, and two large lodge style buildings. These buildings need names in keeping with Bethel’s tradition at the Men’s Campus.
Look at these pictures, pray, and then submit your idea(s) for naming the buildings. We will pray over all of the possibilites submitted and make a decision. It will be exciting to see what we come up with as we seek the Lord for names for these buildings which will house precious souls in need of God’s mercy, grace and deliverance from their bondages.
One of the 5 cabins that will house female students
Side view of one of the cabins
Lodge with kitchen and office space
2nd Lodge with kitchen, office and classroom
Director’s Home
Update: February, 2018
Update on Bethel’s Women’s Ministry
This is the year! 2018 will be the year that Bethel Colony of Mercy opens a Women’s Campus! We are so excited to celebrate 70 years of ministering God’s grace and deliverance to men and to open our doors (at a different location) to women! I trust you have read Mrs. Donna McCall’s introduction and, as you read, felt her heart for this work God has called her and Bethel to. She and three of Bethel’s board members continue to meet every week to pray and discuss moving forward. The most pressing need at the printing of this letter is the property acquisition and the funds to open our doors! We continue to pray with a burden on our hearts for the women that God wants to restore through the ministry of Bethel Colony. We are diligently asking, seeking, and knocking for God’s will concerning the location for this ministry. Please keep praying for the property and facilities to accommodate the immediate need and the potential growth for us to reach as many women as we can.
The Lord has been doing some amazing things since we made the announcement in October of 2016! He has been bringing new support from people who believe in what is already going on at Bethel and who are looking for the same kind of faith-based program for women. Bethel has already gained new prayer warriors, potential volunteers, a director and over $54,405.86 in donations for the Women’s Campus!
Praise the Lord with us and please keep praying!
If God is leading you to support Bethel’s Women’s Campus,
please make sure you mark your donation for the women’s ministry.
Update: May, 2017
Update on Bethel’s Women’s Ministry
We continue to receive numerous requests for a ministry like Bethel that women can go to and receive Biblical counsel, teaching and deliverance from their addictions. Because of that, three of Bethel’s board members continue to meet every week to pray and discuss moving forward on the Women’s Ministry. As we meet, we pray with a burden on our hearts for the women that God wants to restore through the ministry of Bethel Colony. We are diligently asking, seeking, and knocking for God’s will concerning the location for this ministry. We have looked at multiple sites and, for different reasons, they have not met the needs we have.
Please keep praying for the property and facilities to accommodate the immediate need and the potential growth for us to reach as many women as we can. The financial burden will be greater if we purchase land with no existing building(s) for us to use. We will not be able to begin housing women until we have the funds and can build an appropriate housing structure. Keep this in mind as you pray and consider giving towards this great need. Just this week we have received desperate requests asking if we take women and, if not; where can their loved one go for the kind of help Bethel offers.
If God is leading you to support Bethel’s Women’s Ministry,
please make sure you mark your donation for the women’s ministry.
Thank you for caring for these hurting women as much as we do.
Update: February, 2017
Update on Bethel’s Women’s Ministry
Every week, three of Bethel’s board members meet to pray, discuss and move forward on the Women’s Ministry. As we meet and pray, we pray with a burden on our hearts for the women that God wants to restore through the ministry of Bethel Colony. We are diligently asking, seeking, and knocking for God’s will on the locationfor this ministry. We have looked at multiple sites and, for different reasons, they have not met the needs we have. So please keep praying for the property and facilities to accommodate the immediate need and the potential growth for us to reach as many women as we can.
What the Lord has been doing since we made the announcement in October is amazing! He has been bringing new support from people who believe in what is already going on at Bethel and who are looking for the same kind of faith-based program for women. Bethel has already gained new prayer warriors, potential volunteers, potential staff and over $18,000.00 in donations for the Women’s Ministry. Praise the Lord with us and please keep praying!
Announced: October, 2016
You have been asking us for years…. We have been praying for it for years…
The Board of Directors of Bethel Colony has seen the need and been in prayer about how we
could help make a difference; so we are pleased to announce to you that…
We are starting a Women’s Ministry!
Our Approach at Bethel has been focused on the men that God has sent to us and we understand and have seen it many times…as God restores the husband, the father, the head of the household, most of the time the home can be restored. There has been a lot of change in our culture in the last 10 years and in every state the portion of families where children have two parents, rather than one, has dropped significantly. The number of two-parent households decreased by 1.2 million. Fifteen million U.S. children, or 1 in 3, live without a father, and nearly 5 million live without a mother. In 1960, just 11 percent of American children lived in homes without fathers.

Also, addiction among women has increased and for a long time has been miscalculated as the number of women who have been addicted to prescription drugs and/or tranquilizers has not been in the equation. What has not been accounted for until recently is that 25% of U.S. females are on some kind of mental drug dealing with anxiety and depression; learning that women have a high rate to be addicted to tranquilizers. It is estimated that over 4 million women are addicted. They see that trend in Europe and China and the U.S. is catching up. Prescription pain reliever overdose deaths among women have increased more than 400%.
So as we continue to minister to men, we are making plans to start a women’s ministry in hopes that we may help the father and the mother be set free and united under the leadership of Jesus Christ and become a family again! And, break that generational bondage for a future generation!
Where are we with the plans? We are currently looking for a location and land while praying for God to raise a team of ministry leaders! We also need God to raise up the finances to start and maintain this women’s ministry that will not take away from Bethel’s daily/weekly/monthly work here at the men’s program. It takes over $12,000 a week to minister to 82 men and we are working hard to get to 100 men.
So, as you pray, please pray for…
- Wisdom as we desire to help the whole family be set free.
- A ministry team for the women’s program
- The financial support needed to start and maintain the women’s ministry.
- God’s provision of property and location.
As we make these plans, would you consider giving a seed offering above and beyond (and not taking away from Bethel’s ongoing need) for the Women’s Ministry ?!!
Please mark your donation “for women’s ministry” and mail in to Bethel Colony of Mercy, 1675 Bethel Colony Rd., Lenoir, NC 28645 or click link below to give your seed offering.