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Rev. Don Loss

The Canker of Resentment

There are many people suffering from a canker in their soul called resentment. Resentment can be caused by many differing circumstances such as neglect, offense, abandonment, abuse (verbal, physical and/or sexual), envy, jealousy, covetousness, rejection, etc. When the name of the offender comes up the person with the canker in their soul is more likely… Read More »The Canker of Resentment

The Love of Evil

As our culture drifts towards evil, the distinction concerning good and evil slowly fades. Unless the saint is grounded, rooted and disciplined in the faith, he will more than likely end up like the children of Israel during the time of Judges. “Then the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord… Read More »The Love of Evil

The Laodicean Malady

I am confounded by many who are professed Christians in a lukewarm condition. It is a condition, on one hand, that demonstrates the absence of any spiritual fervor for the Lord and, on the other hand, a bruising indictment on the Laodicean church. God’s word to them is “because you are lukewarm and neither cold nor… Read More »The Laodicean Malady

“Give Papa A Kiss”

Thanksgiving and Christmas can often be times of hurt, resentment and loneliness. They can bring pleasant or unpleasant memories. My prayer for you, my readers, is that you will make every effort to be a “peace maker” during this time. “Blessed are the peace makers; for they shall be called the sons of God.” (Matt… Read More »“Give Papa A Kiss”

Trust In The Lord

The Scriptures tell us in Acts 4:22 that it is “through many tribulations we must enter the kingdom of God.” It is an attempt to circumvent this truth that causes the despair of many. Modern science has become the panacea for all suffering. Many have a superficial level of the depth of the riches of… Read More »Trust In The Lord

The Befuddlement of Sin

One statement I hear in counseling time and time again is; “I don’t know why I did it!” The Scriptures talk of sin taking opportunity to produce in us all manner of evil desire. Romans 7:8 The patriarch Augustine tells of his first encounter with this malady when as a child he stole pears from… Read More »The Befuddlement of Sin

The Name of Jesus

As I talk with students at Bethel, I am confronted with the secular teachings of other drug and substance abuse facilities that many of them have been through. These facilities may have a religious aspect to them which will mention God in one form or another. They may even have a requirement of repentance for… Read More »The Name of Jesus

The Baggage of Sin

I recently ran across a quote I had saved on a 4×6 card by a Confederate General in the Civil War. General Richard Ewell offered the soldiers under his command this bit of advice; “The road to glory cannot be followed with much baggage.” This advice could apply to emotional baggage as well as physical… Read More »The Baggage of Sin